Bye Bye Birdie To Hit Minnetonka Stage In November

October 11, 2016
Enter into the American 1960s! Conrad Birdie, America’s amazing rock star, has been drafted into the war. His farewell will be in Sweet Apple, Ohio, where he will give his “One Last Kiss” to Kim MacAfee! It’s the talk of the town! Kids, teenagers, parents, reporters, and a celebrity will all come together to bring this musical to life!
- Liam: “Why would one be interested in coming to see Bye Bye Birdie?”
- Sylvia Schutes: “It’s a show that appeals to a large audience, captures an essence that people can relate to, and it’s really fun and features big dance numbers.
- Dante Colmenares: “It was the last breath of innocence in American musicals.”
- Liam: “What message does Bye Bye Birdie send?”
- Sylvia: “One of youth and cheerfulness. It is just a fun, innocent musical.”
- Dante: “”To live young and live for what you want to do.”
- Liam: “What is your favorite part of being a part of the cast?
- Sylvia: “There are a lot of big dance numbers, the cast is a good community to be in, and I enjoy being able to entertain the audience.”
- Dante: “I enjoy seeing the characters come to life onstage.”
Albert Peterson………………………………………….Ryan O’Neill
Rose Alvarez………………………………………………Elle Kesely
Conrad Birdie……………………………………………..Laird Busselberg
Kim MacAfee………………………………………………Margaret Wiersum
Mr. MacAfee…………………………………………..….Nathan Rowbotham
Mrs. MacAfee……………………………………..……..Maddy Smerillo
Ursula Merkle…………………………………….…….Aliyah Busselberg
Hugo Peabody…………………………….…………….Russel Williams
Mrs. Mae Peterson……………………………………..Amanda Tahnk-Johnson
November 5, 11, 12, 18, 19 at 7:30 pm
November 6, 13 at 2:00 pm
Tickets for Bye Bye Birdie are available for purchase at