Electoral Dysfunction

Whether you are satisfied with the outcome of the midterm elections or not, there’s something to be thankful for — those god forsaken political ads are gone. Misleading, bizarre, or just downright stupid:  it’s often an enigma what possessed a candidate to believe that some of these ads would persuade voters to their side.


Al Franken Doesn’t Care About Ebola



Do you lie awake at night fearing the looming threat of Ebola, especially considering how widespread the Ebola epidemic has become here in Minnesota — all zero reported cases of it.  What’s the case against Franken, you ask? Apparently he left the senate hearing on Ebola early and didn’t ask any questions at it. Wow, it’s like he practically wants us to get Ebola.  I don’t know about you, but ever since Franken won reelection I’ve been feeling a little under the weather…


Dropping the Ball on Health Care






So who’s the knight in shining armor who’s going to save us all from Al “Ebola-lover” Franken? Political hopeful Mike McFadden! His policies: lowering governmentspending and ending Obamacare? Why does he want to do this?  Ummm, cue footage of kids playing football! Even worse, look how fake his reaction to being kicked in the crotch is; I know politicians are dishonest but they should at least be convincing. Maybe he would have won if he had tackled more issues.


Dishonest Begitch Ad




Even worse than simply vague or unsubstantiated ads are ads that are downright dishonest. The most notable from this midterm election is incumbent Democrat Mark Begitch’s ad in the Alaska senator race. The ad brings to light how while attorney general Begitch’s Republican rival, Daniel Sullivan, approved the release of a dangerous sex offender who upon  release committed murder and sexual assault, cites this as evidence that Sullivan isn’t harsh on crime. In reality, the release was a result of an error in the government’s database that occurred prior to Sullivan gaining power. Even then, Sullivan never signed the release document, having the district attorney signing it again — Begitch got around this by cropping the image of the document on his website, implying Sullivan had signed it. Though Begitch eventually pulled the video, it likely played a role in his loss.


Mitch McConnel is Just Like You (except old and rich)


office turtle




Introducing our new senate majority leader: the old turtle from Kung Fu Panda. Though relating to the electorate by talking with them and attending rallies is usually a good idea but with Senator McConnnel of Kentucky’s weird mannerisms and even weirder face the outcome is hilarious. The most intriguing facet of the video in which prospective voters can watch the senator awkwardly mill about at rallies and pat old women on their backs is the title of the background song, “Release Me.” Is this a secret message?  Is McConnel possessed? A werewolf? An Obamacaresupporter? Probably just another old dude with toxic values- but when he transforms into a velociraptor on the senate floor don’t say I didn’t warn you.