We all know that bears go into hibernation for the winter. They change their habits, diets, and lifestyles with the seasons in order to conserve energy and return to their normal state when spring comes around.
A fact that doesn’t get as much attention, though, is that humans also change their behavior as the year goes on. Our activity levels fluctuate, and as winter approaches, so does the time period known as “bulking season.”
Bulking season is “when athletes are in a caloric surplus for multiple months in order to gain weight,” which means eating more protein and carbs and increasing strength training to grow muscle mass. Bulking season is usually in the winter, because when it’s colder activity levels naturally decrease and we require more calories to keep our bodies warm. Just like the time when bears prepare to hibernate, it means eating a whole lot more food.
Varsity football player Jacob Gendreau , ‘26, says that during the off-season, he is “eating as much as [he] can,” and “[supplementing his] diet with bulk powders and creatine powders” that “mix pretty well in smoothies.”
Bulking season is also often followed by a “cutting season,” during which you should eat less carbs and keep up training and protein consumption to maintain muscle growth. Gendreau adds that “not all of the weight you are going to gain is going to be pure muscle mass. You’re going to be adding some fat to your body, so be ready for that and don’t be discouraged by it.”
Many famous athletes we know and love credit bulking as a key part of their continued success, but bulking isn’t just for the pros. You don’t have to be an all-out bulker; in most cases, as a teenager, you have no reason to benefit from an increase in protein and exercise.
Many high school athletes bulk in order to improve their athletic performance, and every type of athlete can benefit from building a little extra muscle, no matter your sport. Whatever level you’re trying to play or exercise at, bulking starts with proper nutrition habits, and it can begin with something as simple as drinking a protein smoothie with your breakfast in the morning. At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is to make sure to rest and to bulk in a healthy and balanced way that works for you.