Man in the mirror

“Oh, do you have the video?”
“Yeah, I’ll send it to you.”
“I heard the kid got destroyed.”
There is something really wrong with this world if we are taking videos of kids fighting instead of breaking them apart.
PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN AND HELP. I’m not necessarily talking about jumping into the situation, because safety is always a priority, but don’t just stand there. Call for help, do something! We have a responsibility to not only ourselves, but to our school. If you don’t believe what you are doing is right, how do you expect to better the world, or better this school. You may be thinking, “Well I don’t want to better anything, I just want to enjoy life as it is.” You, my friend, are what I like to call dead weight. You know…that person who doesn’t do any work in group projects but takes the A- anyways. People are always saying, “If you’re not first then you’re last.” Doesn’t this also apply to bettering our world? “If you’re not helping, you are hindering.”
If you chant and cheer during football games, if you hate homework, if you are beyond fed up with this winter, if you truly appreciate the awe-inspiring stories that happen around us, then do something to better this world.
“Video is online, check it out.”
It is very interesting how a week after Principal Erickson started a campaign promoting digital responsibility, a video of this nature goes online. Sponsored by so many people, this video reached other schools as well. We go against everything we have been taught. Do you pay any attention to what your school promotes? Or are you too cool for those educational videos? Trick question…you’re not. I guess, in a way, you want to seem popular. “Go check out my Facebook page, the video is there.” It’s human nature to be enthralled by these situations, and you might have taken a video of it, but instead of posting it online, give it to someone that can do something positive with it. Don’t post it, because you are then defining who people are for the rest of their lives. You are reminding them every day of that mistake in order to raise your number of followers on Twitter. In this day and age, everything you do has an impact. Be defined by who you are today, and what you do today, not by some silly mistake 4 years ago. Try to better our school, if possible the world, but start small and better someone’s day. We are all animals, but what separates us is the understanding that life isn’t only about living, but about living for something.