What Happened to Magician’s Guild?

What Happened to Magician's Guild?

Jade Dill, Student Life Editor

Any student from Minnetonka (other than the freshmen) remembers the morning announcements last year where Wilson and Friends performed magic tricks in order to get people to come to Magician’s Guild meetings. They did tricks during open sixth in the Media Center and in random lunches, bringing joy to all who watched. But, where did they go? What happened to the Magician’s Guild?

They were last seen in early June of 2015 in the cafeteria and no one has heard from them since. They haven’t shown up for any meetings or been on the morning announcements the entire year.


Neighbors have reported that around late May, 2015, that they were attempting to disappear themselves. They orchestrated an entire plan to disappear and reappear in the Excelsior Commons to further promote the club and become “Twitter Famous.”

Police can only assume that they succeeded in disappearing themselves but failed to bring themselves back. Investigators have also found miscellaneous playing cards lying around Minnetonka. Possibly alluding to the Magicians’ whereabouts.

If you have any information, please tweet @MinnetonkaBreezes.