January Minnetonka District Events
December 20, 2019
January 1-5: Winter break continues further into January than in past years. Enjoy the few extra days, and get ready to come back to school on January 6th.
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day falls on January 20th this year. With no school, take today to remember the great work that Dr. King did for civil liberties.
January 22-24: Final exams will take place at the high school. Make sure to study hard, and be mindful of the different schedule.
January 27: Today is the 2nd quarter grading day, so students, enjoy another day off from school and prepare for the schedule changes.
January 30: Minnetonka High School’s 2020 One Act Play, The Glass Menagerie, will have a performance at 7:00 pm. The play stars Jason Elyea-Wheeler, ‘21, Hailey Guptail, ‘23, Vera Jane Shipley, ‘21, and Russel Williams, ‘20.