Hello Minnetonka! We are excited to introduce Breezes’ new advice column, “Sincerely, Stranger.” The column below is a collection of anonymous advice requests from real MHS students, with responses collected and interpreted by Breezes staff writers. If you, dear reader, are in need of advice, feel free to scan the QR code below…
Dear Stranger,
I have a few Bs, but my friend has all As. I can’t stop comparing myself to my friend. They’re way better than me! I am being so self-critical. What should I do?
- Can’t Stop Comparing
Dear Can’t Stop Comparing,
I know how you feel, I have been there too. It seems to me that perhaps your grades differ because you and your friends have different ways of learning. It may be helpful to remind yourself of the beauty that comes with differences, and being unique. In most cases, that creates the strongest friendships. A stranger advises that “comparison is [not] worth it, because you never have the whole story.” Your grades do not define your intelligence, and they most definitely do not define your friendship. I hope that you are able to cut yourself some slack, and are able to approach you and your friend’s academics from a new perspective.
Dear Stranger,
One of my friends just told me that they have a crush on me, but I don’t feel the same way. I still want to be friends with them, but I’m scared of hurting their feelings! What should I do?
- Sad & Stressed Out
Dear Sad & Stressed Out,
You’re in a really tough spot. I know how overwhelmed you must be, but I encourage you to face the situation with honesty and gentleness. Tell your friend the truth. While it may be difficult, if you string them along instead, you will ultimately lose their friendship. A stranger advises that you “be upfront with them, and emphasize the importance of the friendship you have with them above all else.” I understand that teenage years are not for the faint of heart, but being truthful to yourself and those around you is going to get you far. I hope that you are able to have a conversation with your friend about this, and that whatever may happen, you know that your friend’s vulnerable feelings were met with kindness and respect.