From a grammar aficionado…

As a grammar aficionado and one of your copy-editors, I reference things ALL the time. And since most people, including myself, don’t have grammar handbooks floating around their houses, here’s the next best thing: Grammar Girl. At, you can find answers to those oh-so-pressing questions about Oxford commas, awhile/a while, farther/further, and all of the little grammar quirks you’ve always wondered about but never bothered to look up. Her posts are well-written and detailed, but they also give awesome twenty-second summaries, perfect for when you forget the difference between “less” and “fewer” while pecking out that 3 am essay.
Also, this is my favourite chart of all time. Though I have it memorised, it’s also saved on my phone and laptop, stored on my google drive, and tucked away safely in my email––just in case. Because you never know when the internet (or the school’s wifi) is going to fail you.
So check it out. And save this chart. I hope it makes someone out there as happy as it makes me.