A Stockpile of Stencils

As Halloween grows closer, if your family is anything like mine, the day before is exactly when you start thinking about pumpkins. If you’re fortunate enough to beat the other procrastinators to the last pumpkin, you’re now left with another tremendous decision- how on earth will you carve your fabulous pumpkin?! To save you the stress, here is a collection of various pumpkin stencils to perfectly showcase your fabulous pumpkin!
The Classic- If you want the basic, essential jack-o-lantern to adorn your front step this Halloween, then this stencil is exactly what you need. Scary but not too scary, every house needs this creepy pumpkin!
The Newbie- Did you get a panic attack looking at that last stencil? Were the jagged edges just too complicated for your novice carving skills? Well never fear! This simple, straight edged stencil can be carved by anyone, even small children! But please don’t actually let small children handle sharp carving utensils on their own, no matter the simplicity.
The Artsy- Are ordinary jack-o-lantern faces just too mainstream for you? Then perhaps you can unleash your inner hipster with this artistic stencil. Think of how perfect it will be to insta!! #nofilter
The Goofy-If you want your pumpkin to match your hilarious personality, look no further! This stencil is perfect for making any pumpkin look like the quintessential jokester.
The Master- You’ve been carving pumpkins for years. It’s like second nature to you now, so you would never even dream of using a stencil! Instead, use this picture to inspire your next great carving creation!