MEA Break-Down

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Minnesota Education Association, MEA, provides a beautiful and relaxing break from the overwhelming first quarter. It can do wonders for a student’s mental and emotional health, but do these benefits always line up with how we are “supposed” to be spending MEA?
Myth: I visited 6 colleges over MEA break!
Reality: Ok, I’m not saying this doesn’t happen, because it certainly does. What I’m saying is that students are much more likely to be visiting the University of My Bed than any other school, and for good reason! MEA is a great time to get some rest and replenish your energy stores before launching into what feels like a new quarter at school.
Myth: Got caught up on my homework!
Reality: Homework? You mean that thing that you do during school? MEA is like a mini-hibernation session in the middle of fall. Your body gets tricked into thinking that summer is just around the corner, but it isn’t. It’s very, very, far away. Nonetheless, I ritualistically mourn the end of summer break by not doing any homework over MEA, as do many Minnetonka students.
Myth: I’m going to go pick apples, jump into leaf piles, and Instagram all of it!
Reality: You’re going to sit inside, watch Netflix, and try to pet your cat (who hates you), all while trying to avoid thinking about the inevitable return of school.