Post Valentine’s Day

Post Valentine's Day

Destiny Weaver, Staff Writer

Valentine’s Day – the day we set aside to appreciate our loved ones: girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, and, in my case, Netflix.

For some, the day after Valentine’s Day is almost better than the first. You wake up in last night’s dress, wrap yourself in a blanket, and prepare yourself for the laborious task at hand – seeing everyone’s dance pictures from the previous night. Although seemingly simple, all the liking, scrolling, and commenting really gives your thumbs a workout. When that’s done, it’s finally time to post your own pictures. You examine all of your pictures with your friends laughing at the good, bad, and embarrassing memories you’d probably want to forget. All considered, the night was a blast, and whether you’re surrounded by friends or family, love is in the air. Hey, don’t even be upset if you just spent the night with your laptop (it can give you just as much warmth as any other).

Even if stalking your classmates’ dance pictures isn’t your thing, there’s always the leftover candy there to brighten your post-valentine’s blues. It’s almost like Halloween all over again – except everything is heart shaped. Either way, there’s a little something for all of us after the big day.