Takin’ A Stroll Down Memory Lane

March 12, 2015
If you’re anywhere near as forgetful as I am, then you’ve lost both the three pairs of keys you own and the plethora of Breezes articles we have had throughout the past couple years here at MHS. Therefore, I think it’s high time to take my mother’s advice for finding lost items: retrace our steps!
Last year, Breezes published the infamous “Can You Not?” article about PDA which featured all of your favorite types of public affection, from the hand-holders to the real-life-fifty-shades-of-gray couples. Basically, we published a rant about the much-needed limits to that cute three-minute walk from math to history for you high school lovers. But, my all-time favorite part about this article was the pictures displaying real-life instances of PDA gone too far in MHS’s very own hallways.
Another article that we cannot forget about was the proposed mascot change from Skippers to Muskies. Sparking an insane debate, the article had most of the students appreciating our friendly, buge Skipper over that delectable fish. I’ll admit, it does seem like a step down when you go from running the ship to swimming underneath it. But, then again, you could have a superb under-the-sea, Ariel-style chant with a Muskie mascot. C’mon guys, but how cute would a Flounder mascot be though?
For our final article, we can’t forget the throw-back article of teachers at MHS that actually attended the high school—yes, they were our age at one point. Breezes showed Señor Felty’s high school photo and, let me tell you, he rocked the middle part. We also had a picture of Ms. Mosiman, our advisor, who has somehow kept her youthful glow all of these years.
All in all, I’ve got to give a Katniss-esque three finger salute to all the previous Breezes editors and staff writers that made this paper what it is today. Props to them.