Breaking the Bank

March 25, 2015
With spring break rapidly approaching, all of us at Minnetonka have begun to get a little antsy. While I’ll be spending my time soaking up the sun on the beautiful beaches of Mexico, many students will be traveling to other portions of the world, or maybe even just a different side of the couch. But while those of us traveling afar may be laughing now, it will be the ones staying at home that will be doing the laughing when the rest of us get the bill. That being said, here are a few ways you can save money on your trip this year, as well as start saving up for your own vacation next spring
For those looking to save money now:
- Try to cut back on food and drinks. Sure you’re on vacation, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend all your money. Often times this is where the highest costs are racked up, so maybe pass on that third snack of the day.
- You don’t need to pay for activities. While there are lots of cool sights to be seen that cost money, not all of your excursions need to have a price. Especially when you’re with friends and family, it’s often times very easy to find fun activities that cost nothing and still have a great time.
- Pay with cash whenever possible. Often times, if you can see and hold how much money you have to spend, you are more likely to be careful in how much you spend and where you spend it.
For those planning for the future:
- Book early. By reserving hotel rooms and flights months in advance, you can avoid last-minute rate hikes that occur when everyone else finally gets on top of their game.
- Start a piggy bank. While this one may seem trivial, you’d be surprised how much change you can rack up in a year. Even a measly $10 could mean another few meals for your next spring break.
- Consider cost-effective trips. Sure, a week on the beach at a fancy resort is something everyone could go for at this point in the year. But this certainly isn’t the only way to have fun. Consider other cost-effective trips such as camping with a group of friends, or maybe spend a weekend in Chicago. Any good business mind knows that opportunity is everywhere, you just have to keep your eyes open and find it.
So whether you’ll be making a trip to the airport or the kitchen at the end of the week, remember that there is always a way for you to save a little bit more money if you keep your eyes open for it. Either way, enjoy your much deserved time off!