The ACT Essay
April 14, 2015
As we all know, junior year is the time for standardized college entrance exams. For these exams both the multiple choice sections and the writing section are important to the student’s overall performance. This post is mostly for the Junior class, who will be taking the ACT on April 28 during school time. Here are some of my tips on writing a good essay on the ACT. Keep in mind I’m just a student, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
Structure, not depth
It’s important to remember that the readers for this exam have to grade lots of these essays, so they’re not necessarily analyzing the complexity behind your argument. Having a well structured, clear essay will help the reader see your argument and how you develop your position with supporting ideas.
Keep focused
Make sure that everything you say connects to your argument. With such a short amount of time to write this essay, it’s easy to get your thoughts jumbled while you frantically try to scribble everything down. Just slow down, take a deep breath, and think about how what you are writing backs up your argument. Staying focused on the topic is one of the grading criteria after all.
This may seem simple – it probably is – but this is important. Make sure you use proper grammar when writing this essay. Incorrect grammar is a relatively easy thing to avoid that might annoy the reader. And you definitely want the reader in a good mood!
Also, here is a link to more tips on writing a good essay from ACT: