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Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

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How to Develop your Style in 1461 Days

Your style, your fashion, is an expression of who you are. Yet, why do we not see a large variety of styles in the school halls? Why is there such widespread uniformity? Many people, maybe you can relate, have at some point felt the pressure of conformity. While accepting some fashion trends is not a bad thing, absent-minded following of it is. I believe the best way to develop your style is by recognizing trends for what they are – trends. Adapting trends to your own style, instead of letting the trends define
your style, might be the best way to develop your fashion sense. But, and trust me when I say, I know this is difficult. So, let me provide you with a small snapshot of my own fashion journey. From this, I hope that you will be able to understand how to lose ‘trends’ and develop your style in 1461 days.


COVID-19 ransacked my freshman year. I observed my fellow classmates through screens and was isolated from high-school soci-
ety. This liberated my style. I was given the space and opportunity to experiment more and move away from the conforming pres-
sure I felt in my middle-school years. I wanted a fashion sense that belonged completely to me. That is not to say that I was isolated from society entirely. Tiktok flourished during the height of the pandemic. Trends rose exponentially fast and I followed suit. Being apart from my fellow highschoolers simply gave me the room, and the courage, to follow more alternative trends with a newfound passion.

Freshman Year

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My Freshman year began with a rather plain style. I rarely wore patterns and the shape of my clothes never varied. I blindly followed the crowd’s style and breaking the mold terrified me. I lightened my hair and never smiled a ‘toothy’ smile, yet as time slowly passed in quarantine, I began to branch out. I wore docs over airforces. I dyed the front strands of my hair purple. I let myself wear patterns. While none of these choices are extremely ‘alternative’, to me they were major changes that took courage for me to open up to. My fashion sense and style, was just now becoming a bit more personal. I did what I wanted to do. I dyed my hair brown even though my hairstylist insisted that ‘blond was in style’. I still loved the classics, but what I loved more was building off of them.

Sophomore Year

Then, come Junior year, my stylistic ambition began to tone down. Did I stop dying my hair? No. Entering my Junior year my hair was short and red. With my hair being such a vibrant hue, I became obsessed with color matching. My outfits all had to have a color scheme. When I eventually dyed my hair black (the last time I dyed my hair), this ‘color-matching’ stuck with me. Truly, my fashion sense started to come together when I actually started thinking of putting stuff together. Onto the next year! My sophomore year is best represented by one thing- hair. From blond to pink to purple, I dyed my hair a plethora of funky colors. The ‘alternative’ style that I was just getting into Freshman year came to fruition. I obsessed over mushroom designs and psychedelic patterns. Overall, my style was the most creative this year as I tried so many new looks. This year was a year of exploration.

Junior Year

Then, come Junior year, my stylistic ambition began to tone down. Did I stop dying my hair? No. Entering my Junior year my hair was short and red. With my hair being such a vibrant hue, I became obsessed with color matching. My outfits all had to have a color scheme. When I eventually dyed my hair black (the last time I dyed my hair), this ‘color-matching’ stuck with me. Truly, my fashion sense started to come together when I actually started thinking of putting stuff together.

Senior Year
In my final year of highschool, after these four years or 1461 days, my style almost came full circle. I grew to appreciate the classics once more. Of course my style would always have that extravagant flair to it, just with more intention behind it. I expressed myself and put together my outfits based on my emotions. Did I feel moody because of fall? Did I want to dress up nice to feel more confident on test day? When sweethearts came, I searched for the perfect dress. When the renfaire came, I put together the ideal outfit. Soon, my outfits became special beyond special occasions. They were special to me because I cared.

So, like Andie, am I unattached? No. I love my style as much as I love myself. While I never actively searched for a ‘fashion sense’, through adopting the trends that I like and by implementing my own creative twists, I created one anyway. I only became more excited to see how my style will change in the future. I hope that, even if you have less than 1461 days left in your highschool career, you are now inspired to look introspectively at your own styling techniques. Are you happy with your outfits? If not, why not take a risk? All is fair in love and ‘fits.

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