Despite Disney’s efforts, the superhero fatigue zeitgeist—the feeling of exhaustion from the oversaturation of superhero media—remains in 2025. The constant barrage of Disney+ shows and post-Endgame Marvel movies only seem to remind viewers of how far the superhero genre has fallen. The newest Marvel movie, Captain America: Brave New World, has a 50% on Rotten Tomatoes and critic consensus says that the movie is “too routine and overstuffed with uninteresting easter eggs to feel like a worthy standalone adventure.” However, the long awaited Invincible Season 3 on Amazon Prime contests Disney’s superhero monopoly and offers a refreshing take on the superhero genre.
Invincible follows the titular superhero, 17-year-old high schooler Mark, as he struggles to follow in the footsteps of his superhero father Omni-Man, the strongest superhero on the planet. However, unbeknownst to Mark (spoiler for season 1 episode 1 ahead; skip to the following paragraph to avoid), Omni-Man is responsible for murdering the Guardians of the Globe—their universe’s equivalent of the Justice League. As Mark slowly unravels the mystery, an uneasy sense of suspense and dramatic irony is created; yet, neither the audience nor any of the characters know why Omni-Man did it until the season 1 finale. “After the cliffhanger of episode 1, I needed to see how the rest [of the series] would unfold,” said Nicholas Volkov, ‘25.
Surprisingly, Season 3 of Invincible maintained its hype and critical acclaim following Season 2’s 100% Rotten Tomato score with a 100% of its own. “[Invincible Season 3 has] entertaining fights, a gripping narrative, and top-tier voice acting,” says Benjamin Bhatia, ‘25. Undeniably, Invincible is a bit infamous for containing bloody and visceral fight scenes; you may have seen the “think, Mark, think” meme of Omni-Man squatting next to Invincible’s beaten up and bloodied body in 2021. Yet, the series is not overly reliant on its edgier aspects. “With each season, [Invincible] keeps proving that both animation and the superhero genre are capable of giving us stories that are on par with any other medium, thanks to a balanced mix of character development, action, humor, and human stories,” said movie and show critic Jorge Rivera Rubio on QiiBO.
With six out of eight episodes of Season 3 currently released, there are only two more episodes remaining: the penultimate episode and season finale. The final two episodes are set to release on March 6th and March 13th respectively. Additionally, Season 4 has already been confirmed and Robert Kirkman, co-creator of Invincible, has confirmed that future seasons are aimed to be produced at an annual pace. With the rate at which Invincible is being produced, it is clear that the demand and love for the show is not slowing down. “[Invincible] is a show worth losing sleep over,” said Bhatia. “And the best time to start watching it is now.”