Sincerely, the Breezes Club

I am a rule follower. I don’t draw on desks. I don’t skip school. And I have never gone to the principal’s office. Not at Excelsior Elementary, not at MMW, and not at MHS…at least not yet…And I have NEVER EVER gone to detention. And because I’ve never gone to detention it has a sort of mystical, mysterious image in my mind. The Breakfast Club, the embodiment of all things 80’s and the epitome of the dream high school life, is a classic. And every time I watch The Breakfast Club I wonder if that’s what detention is like. Do people meet the love of their life in detention? All I do is root for the ‘basket case’ and the ‘jock’ to end up together and live happily ever after (I love them way more than Claire and Bender). And I watch in awe as Claire and the crew gets super baked and ends up destroying the media center (ahem smashing the glass). So vandalism and weed? And Emilio Estevez’s super cool dance moves (I mean it’s not like I dance that way when I’m alone…) are super legendary. Who’s even in charge of detention at MHS? Does the advisor dress like Barry Manilow? The things I’ll never know…Sometimes I think to do something devious just to get some hours, JUST KIDDING. But seriously, someone tell me what detention is like.