Artist of the Month

Artist of the Month: Adrienne Carr
Grade: 10
How long have you been dancing? 12 Years
What’s your favorite thing about dance? I love being with the team, working towards one common goal, and everyone going 100% to achieve it.
What are you excited about for next year? Since we’re losing a lot of seniors, I think the team will have a totally different feel. So I’m excited to see what happens.
What are you planning to do with dance in your future? After high school, I might pursue it, depending on where I go to college.
Do you consider dance as more of a sport or an art? I think dance team for high school is definitely a sport because of the amount of work that goes into it and the amount of stamina, endurance, and strength you have to have. But, I think that some dance can be considered an art, like studio dance and ballet.
Favorite dance move? Alisicone turns and kick.